Full Buck Moon

Full Buck Moon

It’s time for our monthly gathering lit by the Full Buck Moon!

On Saturday, July 20th, we’re going to hike under Aaqoura's moonlight, and camp “à la belle étoile” around the bonfire for the rest of the night.

Bring your friends, and the very furry ones too, and let’s seize this lit summer night!


/The Full Moon Hike

We will hike “Tem Rtiba”, “Eein Slina”, and “Eein el Deb”.
We start hiking at 1950m above sea level, wander between the summits, till we reach the skyline at 2150m, topping out beautiful sceneries, lakes and mountains.

Distance 5.5 km
Duration 3 hrs
Level Easy to Moderate
Minimum Elevation 1950m
Maximum Elevation 2150m
Cumulative Elevation 200m

After Skywalking, we will join our tents where we can chill by summer full moon’s bonfire! Bring your food, beverages, and munchies, speakers, music instruments, and anything you need to make this full moon memorable!

It’s going to be clear for most of the night, with a golden hour at dawn, don’t forget your cameras for catching the first summer haze!


/ Let’s meet and ride!

Meeting point: Bee Market Supermarket | Jbeil (Old Bou Khalil Market) next to Wooden Bakery.

Meeting time: 19:30 SHARP

We go together by cars. We can share each other’s cars, so carpooling is an option.





19:30 -Meeting point:

20:30 – Arrival to campsite – Pitching the tents

21:30 –Strawberry Moon Hike

00:30 -Arrival to campsite, bonfire, dinner, music and booze!



/ Gear up with

• Headlamp / chandelier
• Camping gear (Which you can always reserve from The Outdoor Guru ahead of time, contact Laura on #70-877970 )
• Hiking shoes, hiking pants, hiking poles.
• Fleece, jacket, etc…
• Beanie.
• Water.
• Garbage bags
• Snacks and camping munchies (dried fruits, dark chocolate, etc…)
•Insurance card.
•ID or passport.

Friendly furry dogs are always allowed!

//Fees – Please bring the right amount of change.
L.B.P 40 000
Including // Mountain guides / First aid assistance / Camping site

Excluding // Insurance//

//Booking is mandatory!

Book your spot by clicking on the reservation button below. 
Fill the registration form by telling us your name, your friends’ names, email, and phone number.
Last minute cancellation is not really appreciated.

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to call Lama/ 70 39 89 56, or Edwin / 71 61 21 18//

See you!